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In Bcame,

welfare is tailor-made!


At Bcame, taking care of resources means, first and foremost, listening to their needs and wants. No benefits, therefore, were imposed from above but a process aimed at understanding, by characteristics, age and lifestyle, how the company could demonstrate its closeness to team members was preferred. The result of this approach was a path we called "tailored welfare" structured in five moments:


The survey

This moment allowed us to understand what needs were considered priorities for each member of the group.


The responses put, in the foreground, even different needs than the established trends.

Data processing

These will be, during these months, reworked and, finally, through analysis, a business plan will be arrived at.

The business proposal

The preceding steps will lead to a business proposal, shared, which will aim to support the resource in the critical issues of daily life also with a view to a better work-life balance.

The reward pathway

Commitment to the company will, in a virtuous circle, be the way to win important benefits-the proper recognition of the passion, loyalty and trust shown.

October 6, 2021

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