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Our first

balance sheet

On 26 June 2020, the shareholders’ meeting of Bcame S.r.l examined and approved the 2019 balance sheet.
The company, established by managers and professionals from some large international companies, was aimed at generating an innovative hub on the Sicilian territory, capable of providing solutions with high technological impact on the ICT market.


An accurate marketing and communication strategy for the launch of the company has realized its exponentially growth in a short time

becoming a start-up with important growth prospects and advantages in just six months of its foundation, with customers of prestige, including strategic partnerships for the conduct of projects and high technological content on the international market.

These perspectives have required to expand of the resources, and the necessity to invest on them trough the specialized training, with important certifications in order to have high-profile professionalism and guarantee customers the quality of services provided.

This scenario has permise to register in the 2019 a profit above all expectations.


17 Luglio 2020

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